High Summer

At the height of summer, there are reasonable expectations of warm weather. The time is when the usual students are not at schools and educational establishments. Many workers are taking holidays in the period. A general desire in people to go away from their routine location is present and much acted upon. Those unable to, or not wanting to, journey much distance from their home, take day trips, or visit places near their domicile about which they have been curious but which without the circumstances presented by high summer they have not had motivation or opportunity to visit. So, at the height of summer there are a lot of people having leisure time in the countryside and a lot of other people having leisure time in the city.

Sheep, meanwhile, will be unlikely to be ‘on holiday’ in high summer. In rural areas they will be trying to get on with their normal lives despite a visitor influx and the attendant effects upon them and potential threats to their well-being. Sheep in rural farm parks and suchlike will be undergoing much attention from humans, due to a great quantity of visitors. In cities, sheep at city farms - intrinsically not a natural sheep habitat - will too be enduring much human attention because of large visitor numbers - and, moreover, in a general context of constraint of space. At high season too, sheep may be especially being deployed as features of attractions, shows etc. 

High summer may not be a highly nice time for sheep - if the context is masses of people around them and in their vicinity.


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